You see, in life, certain realities we aspire are just as far from us as we're ever ready to develop ourselves into them. One principle of life is that life doesn't allow vacuum. If there is a space or level you're due for, things will always work out for you to get there. If they haven't, just know that there are still more developments to be done. Take the life of Joseph or David for instance. Anyone without thorough thinking would say, they were treated unfairly and were not permitted to get to where God wanted them to reach on a smooth ride, but let me make you understand that without those trials and challenges they had to overcome, neither would they have been well-baked or prepared enough to face the demands and meet the expectations of the position God intended for them to reach.
- HAVE A VISION: Without a vision, self-development always ends in self-deceit. It's a vision of where you see yourself getting to, that motivates and inspires your development to reach there. A vision is also what helps you measure how far you have come or how closer you're getting.
- SET SHORT AND LONG-TERM GOALS: A goal is a vision broken down into smaller workable bits with realistic time-frame for the achievement of each. So, on a daily basis, weekly basis, monthly or quarterly basis, you should have goals that you set for yourself.
- GET SERIOUS WITH YOUR DEVELOPMENT FACTORS: Three unarguable and inevitable factors that always affect your development are: time management, environment/network and available developmental resources.
- Time Management: You see, the same 24 hours in a day that a newbie has, is the same 24 hours in a day that a veteran has. But the reason productivity will differ is their competence with time management i.e. using lesser time to achieve more. Time management is very crucial to growth and development in life and the hallmark of time management is that you're quick at identifying and giving more of your time to the little things that count and you're quick at spotting out those things that do not count and neglecting or delegating them.
- Environment/Network: Those who are serious with their self development always know that environment and their close network play a huge role in how well or how fast they develop. These are the factors that constitute your exposure as a person and you can never do better in life than your level of exposure. These are the things that inform your definition or ideology of what a good or "perfect" life is. And as a matter of fact, everyone is always (at one point or the other) trying to build themselves into the template they have of a good or "perfect" life. So, your exposure (environment and network) play a huge role in molding your paradigms and shaping your ideology of what you should grow into.
- Available Developmental Resources: In the journey of personal development and growth, available resources always makes the difference. You can never be better than the resources you have at your disposal which you're maximizing properly. People who are serious with their growth, go for resources. They are voracious when it comes to getting materials that will increase their knowledge base, competence and experience.
As someone who is building a career, always have it at the back of your mind that you're on a journey and career development is never a flash-in-the-pan kind of adventure. It doesn't give you over-night success. Your career is a journey and it should give you stories to tell, memories to bank on, relationships to nurture and experiences to add to your belt. So, your greatest asset as a career builder is your self development. Whatever level you are at the moment, appreciate it, embrace it and design a program of activities to move from there. Never stay too long at a position.